Declutter Day 1

Front Entry & Coat Closet

I don’t actually have a coat closet (I don’t have linen closet, but that’s a different blog). So, into the front/guest bedroom closet we go. And while we’re in there, we are going to tackle the bookshelves that are in that room a well. Since it is an guest bedroom and we do have guests stay now and again, I try to keep it from being a stuff collector. So, today I’m just pulling out a couple of tablecloths and some obsolete vacuum attachments. And a set of sheets that are extra. Oh, and this adorable pet carrier that was the totally wrong sort of carrier for a kitten who had no intention of going to the vet. She was out of this contraption in a skinny second.

What’s left in this mostly empty closet is the Kirby and her accessories (we have had her longer than we have had children; she deserves her own space), and the remaining tablecloths we use on holidays.

Keep on decluttering, Friends! See you on Day 2…


Declutter Day 2


How To Get Organized FAST