November 2024 Newsletter

And just like that, it’s November!

Lately, I’ve been thinking that these highs and lows we have in life are not so much mountain top experiences and then valley experiences, but rather the highs and lows seem almost simultaneous.

I’m seeing this to be true this Fall: I’ve had moments of deep sorrow tangled up with moments of great joy. God sure does know when we need comfort in all the crying and when we need to just straight up laugh with our people.

On day that had more “valley” moments than “mountaintop” moments, I let Rob know that he might find me under the bed when he came home.

No, I did not end up under the bed, but I sure considered it for a minute. Also, dust bunnies.

As I take a quick review & reflect on October, it’s a blur.

Zoo outings, play dates, closet clean-outs, yard sale, cookouts & bonfires; sprinkle in caregiving and a number of doc appointments. The heaviness of losing a dear friend, and the blessing of singing a baby to sleep. And also the regular day to day stuff. Home. Family. Friends. Church. Life. Politics. (Oh my!)

It’s a lot.

It’s a lot on a good day when we have our stuff together and are ready to seize the day.

It’s downright overwhelming on a hard day when our ducks are not in the same pond, much less in a row.

Yep, here’s where I’m going:

Take some time when you have some time to get your stuff together. Because when you need your stuff, you don’t have time to get it together.

  • Sitting in the waiting room with mom is NOT the time to be pulling together her medications list and making sure it’s current. Ask me how I know this.

  • In the car on the way to the beach is not the best time to get the meal list together and sort out a grocery list. Ask me how I know this.

  • 4:00pm is NOT the best time to wonder what to make for dinner. Ask me how I know this.

Anyone been there? Is it just me?

Wouldn’t it be worth losing a little sleep to spend a little time planning so that you don’t have to lose a lot of sleep because you weren’t prepared?

Don’t get me wrong, I love me some sleep… but what I really love:

  • knowing that dinner is as easy as grabbing a prepped meal out of the freezer

  • walking into the doc office and handing them a list of current meds and questions

  • taking a nap on the way to vacay (obv I don’t do the driving) knowing that I have meal planned from my pantry store and have a list for what we need from the Piggly Wiggly when we arrive

Come hang out with me this month and let’s do a little planning.


Invisible Work and Black Friday Sales


October 2024 Newsletter