Declutter Day 25


Amazing and ridiculous what can collect in a vehicle after only a year!

Otto, my Honda Pilot (get it, Otto-Pilot! We purchased shortly after we saw the Tom Hanks movie “A Man Called Otto”), is well loved and driven often, so I keep all the stuff in it that I might need. Oh my, this could be a whole other blog series, so I’ll try to keep it quick.

What must-have items do you keep in your vehicle?

In addition to all of the insurance and registration paperwork, my must-haves are:

pen and notebook

all the sunglasses: prescription, non-prescription, non-prescription readers (my eyes are complicated)



coin purse (because Aldi)

straws & napkins & utensils (for when you’ve ordered a salad at ChickFilA to eat in the car on your way to choir and they forget to give you a fork)

door handle (helps grandma into the seat and doubles as a glass breaker)

hand sanitizer & lotion

Good grief… Yes, I DO feel like I live in my vehicle. Might as well be comfortable and have what I might need.

Taking this opportunity to grab all the trash... oh yeah, that's where I dropped my airpods

...and ponytail bands...

...and a hair clip...

(and since i took this pic, these crumbs have been vacuumed out - it's taking all of my self-control to not go take another pic. Keeping it real.)

...and glasses cleaner, and phone chargers, and multi-purpose tool, and playing cards...

...and seabands...and nail trimmers


Declutter Day 26


Declutter Day 24