Declutter Day 26
Paperwork & Junk Mail
Back inside today: paperwork! I love to declutter and organize paperwork. I know, I’m weird like that.
Organization and Productivity specialists actually differ on the junk mail topic. Some say toss it ALL into your basket to go through once a week, some say don’t even let it into the house when you grab it out of the mailbox.
My preference is kind of a hybrid: there are 2 trash cans before I even get to the back door. And yet, it’s amazing how much makes it into the house.
On the days when the junk is tossed, the rest is set with my Sunday Basket or set with Rob’s laptop (his home office is mobile).
”What’s a Sunday Basket?” I’m so glad you asked!
Lisa Woodruff from Organize 365 has developed The Paper Solution system, including the Sunday Basket and 4 Binders.
A Sunday Basket (the official Sunday Basket is actually a box) holds all of the thoughts, mail, schedules, and “Mom, we need to get ___!”
And it’s so much more: 1) it’s a method of setting aside time to process all of your to-dos and plan your errands and appointments, and 2) it’s a place to keep all of the short-term thoughts, ideas, and projects for yourself, your family, your home, your travels, your finances.
“So what would I use to hold all of the long-term papers?” You ask the best questions!
Let me introduce you to 4 binders:
Financial binder (everything you need to know to settle an estate)
Medical binder (history and current medical information - only portable and accessible)
Household Operations binder (everything someone would need to know to run your home if you had to step away)
Household Reference binder (all the information you would want when you buy a home, or pass off to the new owner when you sell)
Yes, I have a lot to say about paper organization.
There’s a bit more detail if you flip back to Paper Organization on my website.
And there’s so much more that I would love to share with you in person or on GoogleMeet.
Please reach out to me if you would like to chat about organizing your paper!
My Sunday Basket sits on a table in the kitchen where it can hold all of the mail and thoughts (written on cards) until I have a few minutes to sit down to process and make a plan for the week ahead.
This table rarely looks the same for more than a few minutes at a time. It’s functionally organized… it’s an active work zone.
This pretty cabinet holds my binders and my fav organizing books. Also contains a Sunday Basket each for Sissy and Sassy - for this not being where they actually reside, there is very often something to add to their baskets.